We stand for israel

Our Projects


Hasbara delegations  of wounded soldiers coming twice a year to North America  to be ambassadors of Zionism . The delegation’s goal is to present the IDF as a moral army that protects the homeland  and protects human rights of both Israelis and civilians in Gaza.

Lone soldiers

Financial support , food and furniture for lone soldiers apartments.


Giving Tefillin to any soldier who is interested to feel the connection to the judaism.

Charavot Barzel war’s Support

The organization sent over 25000 pounds of lives saving equipment , medical supplies and food to IDF bases.

About Us

My name is Chagit  Hadar and during the last 15 years I have been engaged in Israeli advocacy in the Diaspora, advocacy missions in Jewish communities and organizations in cooperation with the IDF and Zionist organizations.

IDF wounded delegations, informational campaigns and raising awareness of Hasbara in   the various communities in North America.

These Zionist collaborations and values ​​took an important place when my son enlisted in the army and the story of the State of Israel and the soldiers became my personal story.

The organization was established when my son served as a lone soldier in the Golani brigade  in 2016. During my son’s service, a need arose for life-saving military equipment, and Tefillin for soldiers who did not have the chance to wear Tefillin.

Later on  the organization  focused on financial assistance to lone  soldiers and distributing Tefillin to every soldier who required it, and distributing quality equipment to reservists.

The uniqueness of our organization is that one hundred percent of the donations go directly to the soldiers

The organization has no offices, everyone works as a full volunteer without salary

Thank you video

Explore our video gallery and experience the gratitude firsthand. Together, we are creating brighter futures for those who serve Israel with courage and dedication. Your support is making a real difference.

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